Good Grief is the graduation performance in collaboration with choreographer Katie Vickers, third-year Bachelor of Dance students, theater STUK and c o r s o.
An investigation into absurdity through movement, voice and objects. The dancers move in a loop, between presence and absence and absence and presence.
A kaleidoscope of simultaneous actions that unfurls, converges, piles up and explodes - a choreographic machine in which individual and group meet and intertwine.
Concept and choreography Katie Vickers
Created with and performed by Carla Andrades Palacios, Emma Baele, Mira Biermans, Amber Cools, Melis Ergüven, Héctor Espuela Pablo, Lea Jean, Diogo Lopes, Manu Mpasi, Alberto Spanò
Light design Caroline Mathieu
Outside-eye Elia Chataigner
Sound editing Katie Vickers
Styling costumes Chris Snik
Music I come out of your sleep by Annea Lockwood, Kurve, Pt. 1&2 by hÄK/Danzeisen, Lion's Drum by Manos Tsangaris, Machinedrum Blues, Deep Etude by Dehendrik Willekens, Venit Lumen, Gesualdo by Ruben Martinez Orio
Photographer Daria Miasoedova
Supported by STUK, c o r s o
Thanks to Nienke Reehorst, Yasemin Kandemir, Karel Tuytschaever, Sumalin Gijsbrechts, Ilse Muysers
Special thanks to Karen Joosten, Jesse Vanhoeck, the team of STUK and c o r s o
13-06-2024 - STUK, Leuven
21-06-2024 - c o r s o, Antwerp
22-06-2024 - c o r s o, Antwerp