This is the worst of times, the truth is either black or white.
This is the best of times, we can be here to defend our rights.
stand for more than just myself,
as we can never be alone in the society we build.
in this field,
my body is a shield, my movements are a weapon,
my voice is the message for emotions and thoughts, and I wait for it to echo to the corner of the world.
Concept and choreography Chen-Wei Lee (Wei-Wei)
Created with and performed by Carla Andrades Palacios, Emma Baele, Mira Biermans, Elia Chataigner, Amber Cools, Morgane Descheemaker, Melis Ergüven, Héctor Espuela Pablo, Thorunn Gudmundsdottir, Lea Jean, Diogo Lopes, Emmanuel Mpasi, Alberto Spanò, Mihály Varga and Emile Wendt
Sound editing Chen-Wei Lee (Wei Wei)
Light design & technical coordination Sylvia Cuyken
Sound engineer Dimitri Daggelinckx
Styling costumes Chris Snik, Elena De Lie, Cécile Taylor, Alexandra Panoutsopoulou
Technicians Wassim Assasia, Mdina Vanderlinden, Max Kamina, Jo Heijmans
Photography Boris Bruegel
Thanks to Nienke Reehorst, Yasemin Kandemir, Karel Tuytschaever, Sumalin Gijsbrechts, Ilse Muysers, deSingel
22-06-2022 - deSingel, Antwerp
23-06-2022 - deSingel, Antwerp